
Showing posts from March, 2020

Calm in the Storm

It seems the world has found itself in the middle of a storm. What are you doing for your clients to help them through this time of uncertainty? Are you checking in on them or are you hiding under your desk? What kind of tone are you taking? Are you a voice of calm & encouragement or have you adopted a more negative attitude? The best thing that we can do in this present time as commercial real estate professionals is to reach out to our past, present clients, continue our prospect calls, and reassure them all that we are available to help in their time of need. Maybe they need referred to their lender to get some payment relief until things settle down. Or maybe they need help contacting their landlord to discuss any delays in rent payments. Or just maybe they need some one to talk to. An encouraging voice telling them it's going to be alright and we're going to do our best to help them get through this together. Whatever the situation or circum