
Why Won't My Property Sell?

So, you've had your property on the market for over a year. Initially, there was some interest, and you heard from your broker periodically. However, in the last eight months, the market seems to have died, and the only time you hear from your broker is when you call to see what is going on. What could be the problem? First, does your property show well?   Are the windows washed? Is the floor free of debris? Have you tended to the weeds outside, or are they growing unchecked? Commercial real estate buyers are no different from any other buyers; neat, clean, and efficient sells. A sloppy and dirty presentation makes it harder for buyers to see the potential in your property. Second, Are you priced competitively in the marketplace?   If other similar properties are priced lower, guess which ones get shown and sold? Unfortunately, not yours. By now, your broker should have had a heart-to-heart discussion with you regarding your property's price. Lastly, is your property getting fu

What Do You Do When Things Go Wrong?

Many times, we look at a situation and ask,  How hard can it be,   What's the worst that could happen? Sometimes, things are pretty hard; sometimes, bad things happen, and things go wrong.   What do we do? How do we react? An old business partner/mentor named Otto Wuethrich told me once. When all else fails, read directions.  I'm going to say that again, when all else fails, read directions. At that time, I was struggling to open a sack of soybean seeds to dump into the planter. A little tag clearly said pull this tape here, and I was thrashing around doing everything but following the directions. This little saying has always stuck with me, and I think we can carry it one step further and say when all else fails, go back to the basics.   No matter what profession we are in, there are the basics of every profession that we must do every day. When all else fails, read directions and go back to the basics always works. I remember looking at Otto and laughing a

Before The Bodies Are Cold

Selling farm real estate can be a fascinating yet challenging endeavor. I've often remarked that farm properties usually go on the market due to the "two D's": death and divorce.  Many times, I am called to a family's home after the parents have passed away, and the family is undecided about how to move forward. Typically, some siblings want to keep the farm, while others prefer to sell and cash out.  Both opinions are valid as everyone's motivation is different. However, those two motivations could not be more polar opposites. Most of the time, parents have not done an excellent job of estate planning and have just kicked the can down the road, and they say that the kids will handle it after we are gone. Yes, the kids will handle it all right, but probably not in the way that parents envisioned. I have heard countless times from heirs that their parents would roll over in their graves if they knew what was happening now. One story in particular br

Selling The Sentimental Family Farm

Regarding: A Happy Client the CHALLENGE  In 2018, a client's mother passed away, and they were in need of a farm appraisal. An attorney I know well referred them to me; however before they agreed to hire me, they ensured I checked all the boxes and met their standards. Over the past several years, I regularly contacted them regarding farmland values. In early 2022, they decided it was time to sell the farm. I put together a proposal I shared with the rest of their family members, and we all agreed that I was the person to sell their farm. I advised conducting an online real estate auction to attract qualified cash buyers. This appealed to them, as they did not want any hiccups or buyers trying to arrange to finance or make their offers condition upon selling other farmland.  the ACTION  I created an intense marketing campaign covering a 10-state radius around their farm. I also contacted all the surrounding landowners and mailed over 600 pieces of information to prospectiv

Navigating Complex Family Real Estate matters: The Granny Grunt Situation

Let's delve into a scenario that might resonate with many families—the Granny Grunt Situation.  Granny Grunt has left behind a legacy—a sprawling 240-acre farm and four remarkable children. However, a rift has emerged among the siblings regarding the fate of the property. While three are inclined to sell, the fourth is adamant about preserving the family farm. This divergence has escalated to the point where legal counsel has been sought, and discussions of a partition suit loom ominously. In my extensive 30-years in real estate, I have encountered numerous delicate family situations akin to the Granny Grunt dilemma. The crux lies not just in the intricacies of the assets but in the emotional dynamics at play. Despite the challenges, I've been able to guide families through these complex scenarios. Understanding that such situations require both a seasoned perspective and empathetic guidance, I offer my expertise to those grappling with familial disagreements over farms, buildi

Want to Earn Favors?

We all appreciate calling in a favor from time to time, but how do we earn them?   Recently, I visited with a valued client who is on the brink of retiring from his sales career, he shared a worthy insight with me. He expressed his commitment to mentoring a new generation of sales professionals and emphasized a key principle for success in the industry: proactively engaging in acts of kindness and favors for customers, clients, and vendors. His rationale was simple yet profound – you never know when you might find yourself in need of a favor.   The significance of his advice struck me personally when he reached out to me for advice at his place of business. Admittedly, I initially approached the situation with a hint of reluctance. However, as our meeting concluded, he casually mentioned that the property he occupied would likely be sold in the near future. Furthermore, he expressed a desire to recommend me as the ideal agent to handle the transaction.   I was genuinely tak

Wishing You A Blessed Thanksgiving

Watch Video Here As we gather during this Thanksgiving season, with the year nearly 90% behind us, it's a moment for reflection. How do you perceive the past year? Was it a challenging journey, or did everything unfold as planned? Take a pause and consider: What are you thankful for? I sincerely hope there's a resounding affirmative answer. We all have reasons to be grateful. Ladies and gentlemen, we reside in the greatest nation on Earth, blessed with the freedom to shape our destinies without the shackles of unwarranted restrictions. Our primary adversary is often our own self-doubt.  So, this Thanksgiving, I extend a challenge to each of you, as well as to myself — let's shed some of those negative beliefs that often plague our thoughts. The ones that whisper, "You can't do it," or "It will never happen to me," or "My ship will never come in." Believe that you can, anticipate the good that awaits you, but foremost, live with gratitu