
Showing posts from April, 2024

Selling The Sentimental Family Farm

Regarding: A Happy Client the CHALLENGE  In 2018, a client's mother passed away, and they were in need of a farm appraisal. An attorney I know well referred them to me; however before they agreed to hire me, they ensured I checked all the boxes and met their standards. Over the past several years, I regularly contacted them regarding farmland values. In early 2022, they decided it was time to sell the farm. I put together a proposal I shared with the rest of their family members, and we all agreed that I was the person to sell their farm. I advised conducting an online real estate auction to attract qualified cash buyers. This appealed to them, as they did not want any hiccups or buyers trying to arrange to finance or make their offers condition upon selling other farmland.  the ACTION  I created an intense marketing campaign covering a 10-state radius around their farm. I also contacted all the surrounding landowners and mailed over 600 pieces of information to prospectiv