What I Do

Many of my farm clients face the difficult task of dividing inherited farmland while still hoping to gather peacefully for Christmas dinner. Unfortunately, this challenge often leads to family rifts when the previous generation fails to make tough decisions before passing away.

I've heard the phrase, "They'll figure it out when we're gone," more times than I can count. But the truth is, if you knew what was happening after your passing, you'd be turning in your grave. Leaving your children to inherit undivided farmland can be the ultimate disservice. It's rare for families not to have at least one difficult personality, and when significant money is involved, old tensions can quickly resurface.

That’s where I come in. I specialize in guiding families through these challenging situations, working towards outcomes that leave everyone as content as possible. In many cases, most heirs simply want to sell the land and convert it to cash, which can be a straightforward process. However, when one heir refuses to sell and insists on keeping the farm—often expecting the others to sell at a discounted price—that's when things get complicated.

I’ve assisted countless farm families through these situations, primarily by listening and offering proposals for the family to consider. I won't claim that every outcome is perfect, but success, in my eyes, is when the family can still gather together peacefully for Christmas dinner the following year.

If you or your clients find yourselves in this situation, I’m here to help. You can reach me at 765-427-5052 or by email at bneihouser@shook.com.

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