Finally, The Cold Hard Truth About Off-Market Deals
I get asked almost every day, “Do you have any off-market deals for me?” by different investors. My answer is, “No I do not.” And quite frankly, I don’t like to participate in any off-market deals.
my business I focus strictly on listing and selling commercial property for
owners. If I put together an off-market deal, how does the seller know and how
do I reassure the seller that money wasn’t left on the table?
know they happen all the time. For me and my business, there is nothing more
aggravating than to hear of a property that sold that was never exposed to the
open market. My philosophy and style in the commercial real estate business has
always been, if a property hasn’t been exposed to the open market for at least
30 days before an offer is accepted, then it was not marketed properly.
Does An Off-Market Deal Benefit?
the buyer… because they didn’t have to compete with the market place. An
off-market deal has no value to a seller of a property except that they got
paid fast. But, did he get everything that was out their in the market place?
don’t ever know what the market will pay until you expose a property to the
open market.
if you are a property buyer, you are probably all over these “off-market deals”
because they benefit you. I for one, represent sellers and owners of property
and I can’t think of one good reason why someone would accept an off-market
deal without exposing it to the open market.
that’s just me, I would love to here your thought.
me a call at 765-427-5052 or send me an email, I’d love to chat.
Respectfully Submitted,
Brad Neihouser
Cut Through The Noise. Get Straightforward Advice.
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