The Two Questions Every Land Owner Wants To Know (But Is To Scared To Ask)

The Two Questions Every Farmland Owner Wants To Know, But Is Too Afraid To Ask


Farmland owners do not have a lot of problems or headaches owning farmland. They are usually folks that like to either farm the land or collect a lease payment every year. However, every farmland owner has two burning questions – ones they’re often hesitant to ask. 


1.) What is my farm worth in today’s red-hot real estate market?

This is a great question—and one I can answer. Understanding farmland values is my business. If you’re curious about what your property is worth in today’s market, let’s have a conversation. No pressure, just a friendly chat.

Now, let’s talk about the second question—the one that landowners often hesitate to ask…


2.) Am I getting the right lease rate for my farm?

Ahhhh, the third rail has been touched. This information is normally top secret. No farmland owner wants to tell his buddies at the coffee shop what he is getting for fear that his neighbor down the road is getting more. And tenants? They’re just as tight-lipped, no tenant wants to divulge what he is paying for fear the wrong person will hear and their rent will start rising!

This is always a conundrum.

If you want an honest conversation about lease rates, I can help. I manage thousands of acres and keep a close eye on what the market will bear.

I’d also love to hear your thoughts on farmland values and lease rates.

If you’re curious, give me a call or send me an email. No pressure—just a chat.

Brad Neihouser
📞 765-427-5052


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